A Day is a Day
A lot can happen in six days. And a lot did happen in six days when God created the universe and the earth. Exodus 20:11 states, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, … Continued
God’s Magnificent Masterplan
God is not distant and impersonal. He didn’t create the universe, wind it up to get it going and then just walk away. He created mankind in His own image, with body, soul and spirit, in order to have a relationship … Continued
Remarrying in Good Faith
Is it permissible for two divorced believers to remarry? This question can be controversial, can stir up spirited discussion between church members and is capable of causing dissension within the body of Christ. So I have decided to tackle this … Continued
What Did John Say?
There are many who identify as Christian, yet deny the divinity of Christ and assert that Jesus was simply God’s son. A very special man but merely a man nonetheless. With simplistic and shallow logic, expressed through infantile questions such … Continued
Warning Shots
The current war in Israel is a polarizing event that has sparked wide ranging opinion and debate. Its easy to get caught up in the hype of civilian casualties when images of children victims are broadcast by the media and … Continued
Christians in Crisis
There are more Christians being persecuted today than at any time in history, including at the hands of the Roman Empire. Many of today’s martyrs fall at the hands of Islamic Jihadists, whose terrorism has become so commonplace that it … Continued
Sanctuary In Christ
Have you ever pondered how many hurting souls there are in the world? Have you ever thought about the multitudes of people suffering at this very moment? Regardless of geographic location, social status, financial situation or health, a sudden turn … Continued
The Truth About Jesus
Jesus warns in Matthew 7:15-16a, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” Christendom is filled with them. They are false teachers who … Continued
Bona Fide Affluence
Merriam-Webster defines wealth as the abundance of material possessions or resources. Society perceives the accumulation of wealth as the means to establishing security and wellbeing. With such a temporal perspective, it is not surprising that so many people pursue material … Continued
The Biblical Jesus
Who is Jesus? Is He merely some historical persona that is distant and removed from today’s society or is He something more? Is He only a prophet, just a good teacher, or simply a moral role model? He has been … Continued