Facing Our Mortality
How do you define personal fulfillment? What does it mean when people speak of living life to the fullest? When we examine our own happiness in a deep soul searching way that transcends materialism and self awareness, our perception of … Continued
The Divinity of Christ
Many people make Christ out to be much less than what he is proclaimed to be in the Bible. He is called a good teacher, or a prophet. Never accept any “Jesus” who isn’t fully divine and fully man. Be … Continued
Leave Judgement to God
In this current age of technological enslavement and in particular during the COVID 19 pandemic, when much of our interaction is on Facebook and other social media, people are quick to judge and offer opinions they would never articulate face … Continued
Don’t be Deceived!
Western civilization is literally playing with fire as its complacency regarding world events and comfortable standard of living have resulted in a culture with little situational awareness of what is about to happen to humanity. The bubble is about to … Continued
The Bride of Christ
When we give our hearts to Jesus in response to God’s love, we enter an eternal love affair. It becomes our responsibility to be faithful and dedicated to our beloved and submit ourselves to him as we would to a … Continued
Immeasurable Love
Our finite minds cannot comprehend an infinite God nor can we begin to appreciate his incredible and immeasurable love for us. Our Creator does no force us or coerce us into a relationship with him and in doing so we … Continued
Is COVID 19 Biblical?
Amidst the COVID 19 restrictions and hopes for a brighter future, many people are wondering how long the pandemic will last and what the “new normal” will be like. While our current circumstances may be unpleasant they are not unprecedented … Continued
Prophetic Precision
The Prophet Daniel is recognized for his precise predictions and testifies to the truth that God’s word is infallible and trustworthy. He predicted the coming of Christ with such accuracy that it should convince even the most skeptical critic of … Continued
Extraordinary Times
The world we live in is rapidly changing. What we thought was normal is now a distant memory as everything has been turned upside down in very short order due to a traumatic turn of events that unveiled 2020 as … Continued
Respond with Repentance
God created us in his image and desires to have a close relationship with us. When we ask Jesus into our hearts and receive salvation, we are responding to God’s calling and confirming that we also want a relationship with … Continued