Repentance is for You

posted in: Theology | 4

The benefit of repentance is reconciliation. Whether that be between family members, friends or between you and God, a contrite heart is the first step in the process of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the fulcrum of the Christian message and the … Continued

Love Your Enemies

posted in: Theology | 0

In the twelfth chapter of Romans, the apostle Paul expounds on the virtues of loving others and thereby offering our lives as sacrifices – our spiritual act of worship to God. The sincerity of our behavior defines our faith and … Continued

Honor Him

Much has been said over the years regarding the celebration of Christmas on December 25th.  Detractors will assert that Christmas is not a legitimate celebration of Christ’s birth, because Jesus wasn’t actually born on that day and that it is … Continued

Flat Earth Fiasco

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 1

The flat earth movement fallaciously claims the Bible says the earth is flat. Its proponents assert that the majority of the world thought the earth was flat until Christopher Columbus proved otherwise. Even many Christians have fallen for the falsehoods … Continued

God Is Just

posted in: Theology | 2

The popular Christian narrative today proclaims hyperbolic love and grace while downplaying repentance and judgement in a post-resurrection comprehension of God. The Lord is portrayed as all love and no hate by isolating scriptures such as 1 John 4:8 and … Continued

The Final Frontier

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

Man has conquered the earth, subdued nature and explored outer space. Yet humanity remains unable to circumvent the inevitable calling upon it’s mortality. The Psalmist wrote, “Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me … Continued

Subduing Sin

posted in: Theology | 7

The Bible says that all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  Even after we become Christians, Satan continues presenting distractions to our Christian focus through temptations that plant seeds in our minds which … Continued