Are You Ready?
Are you ready to meet your maker? If tomorrow was the last day of your life on earth, would you be ready to stand before God and be held to account? None of us are guaranteed a healthy golden age … Continued
Are you ready to meet your maker? If tomorrow was the last day of your life on earth, would you be ready to stand before God and be held to account? None of us are guaranteed a healthy golden age … Continued
In these uncertain times, our perception can be easily overwhelmed by the negativity that dominates the media, conversations with friends and even family and news that divides and tears down our social safety nets and threatens our inner peace. We … Continued
“Be kind; Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” This contemporary quote, often attributed to Plato, Philo of Alexandria, John Watson, Ian MacLaren, Brad Meltzer and even Robin Williams, has profound implications for Christians who want … Continued
In order to unlock our spiritual potential, we must give it up. In order to grasp the intimate spirituality with God Christians desire, we must let it go. From the core of our very being we must surrender wholly and … Continued
People have been predicting the end of the world without success for centuries. Those who dared to set dates for the final culmination of human history have been proven wrong again and again despite the prophetic words of Jesus Christ, … Continued
Our response to God’s word has impact in heaven. The Bible tells us that when God wanted Jonah to prophesy to the city of Nineveh, he did everything he could to do the opposite. Nineveh was an ungodly city and … Continued
“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.” John 20:1. “Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As … Continued
When we sincerely contemplate the gravity of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross we cannot deny that we have an obligation to respect and revere him. He paid a debt he did not owe. We owe a debt we cannot pay. … Continued
As 2020 draws to an end and we look forward to new beginnings in 2021 I want to encourage everyone to include the Almighty God in your planning. He is omniscient and eternal therefore he knows the end at the … Continued