The Amazing Love of God
God is not some impersonal force. He didn’t create the universe, wind it up to get it going and then just walk away. He created mankind in his own image, with body, soul and spirit, in order to have a … Continued
God is not some impersonal force. He didn’t create the universe, wind it up to get it going and then just walk away. He created mankind in his own image, with body, soul and spirit, in order to have a … Continued
Many people only cry out to God when they are desperate. They live their day to day lives relatively care free without the worry of whether they can afford their next meal or where they will sleep tonight. However, this … Continued
Why does evil exist? Some have surmised that evil exists because God doesn’t exist. This nonsensical argument would have us believe that humans are simply the product of evolutionary random events that have resulted in our complex behavioral patterns. If … Continued
One: single; just one as opposed to any more or to none at all. There is only one God, only one Creator, only one Father, only one I AM, only one first and only one last. Isaiah 45:5 tells us, … Continued
I was recently asked what being born again means and which specific values and behaviors are indicative of surrendering to the Holy Spirit. The inquirer followed up with the statement that it’s an unfalsifiable proposition and nobody has ever proven … Continued
Who are God’s chosen people? Who are the children of God? Social media is full of opinions and assertions regarding who is saved, who isn’t, who will be, or who won’t. Some say that the geographical area called Israel today … Continued
It seems each Christmas there is dissention within the Church regarding when Jesus was actually born. I am therefore compelled to write about how Christians are free to worship in truth and in spirit and to celebrate the birth of … Continued
John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” When I consider the detestable contemplations of the human heart, its capability … Continued
Are you ready to meet your maker? If tomorrow was the last day of your life on earth, would you be ready to stand before God and be held to account? None of us are guaranteed a healthy golden age … Continued
In these uncertain times, our perception can be easily overwhelmed by the negativity that dominates the media, conversations with friends and even family and news that divides and tears down our social safety nets and threatens our inner peace. We … Continued