Inspiration and Insight
When God put it upon my heart to write for Him, I resisted. He persisted. Each day He would gently and firmly convey that He was calling me into a ministry of words to spread the gospel, glorify Him, bring … Continued
When God put it upon my heart to write for Him, I resisted. He persisted. Each day He would gently and firmly convey that He was calling me into a ministry of words to spread the gospel, glorify Him, bring … Continued
Man has conquered the earth, subdued nature and explored outer space. Yet humanity remains unable to circumvent the inevitable calling upon it’s mortality. The Psalmist wrote, “Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me … Continued
Spiritual realms continually operate adjacent to our physical realm and have a significant impact upon world events. Terrestrial minds reject the idea that God exists and deny the existence of spiritual realms. To those with a secular worldview, who are … Continued
Make no mistake. Life is a battlefield. Our very existence is threatened daily as we live our lives only one tragedy away from coming face to face with death. The commonality of death binds us together as human beings. It … Continued
Many of the popular Christian messages today proclaim that salvation cannot be earned, repentance is redundant and grace is overexaggerated while downplaying the need for living a godly life. While this appeals to a self-centered and worldly culture, does this … Continued
We have an opportunity in this life to sincerely contemplate the things of God. We are provided with a window in time to question the hidden mysteries of scripture and truly discover who God is. The good news is that … Continued
John 14:6 records Jesus telling his disciples, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” No other person in human history ever made the bold claims that Christ did. … Continued
In this generation of materialism, societal pressure to accumulate wealth, vehicles, ATV’s, boats, build a new home or travel to exotic destinations, often leads to stressful debt loads for young families who all too often find themselves enslaved to working … Continued
It is vital for those who believe and put their hope in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ to seek to know him on an intimate level and to make him the focal point of their daily lives. John 3:16 … Continued
For the past 2 millennia the Christian church has endured an onslaught from Satan in order to undermine the good news of the gospel and create obstacles that prevent people from drawing near to God and experiencing his grace. The … Continued