Sanctuary In Christ

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Have you ever pondered how many hurting souls there are in the world? Have you ever thought about the multitudes of people suffering at this very moment? Regardless of geographic location, social status, financial situation or health, a sudden turn … Continued

Bona Fide Affluence

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

Merriam-Webster defines wealth as the abundance of material possessions or resources. Society perceives the accumulation of wealth as the means to establishing security and wellbeing. With such a temporal perspective, it is not surprising that so many people pursue material … Continued

Uncommon Love

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

God’s love for humanity transcends time, culture, religion and the persistent obstinacy of a fallen mankind. He provides all people with the very air they breathe and He created a planet that is seventy-one percent water which is essential for … Continued

A Brief Window In Time

posted in: Inspirational | 0

If you have ever had the opportunity to spend some time in an old age home or a palliative care ward it quickly becomes apparent that the human body is frail, fragile and finite. Whether you once owned businesses, were … Continued

Love Kept Him There

posted in: Inspirational | 0

The night Jesus was betrayed must have felt like most other nights for His companions. It was the Passover and Jesus knew in advance that there would be a man with a jar of water near the entrance to Jerusalem … Continued

RSVP For The Banquet

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

The fourteenth chapter of Luke tells us that when Jesus was dining at the house of a prominent Pharisee, He told a story. It is a parable that provides great insight into mankind’s relationship with God. This illustration was in … Continued