Christ and Associates
A few years ago after a men’s prayer meeting I was speaking with the pastor and commented that it seemed like I was the least of Christ’s servants. He replied that I was more than a servant and that I … Continued
A few years ago after a men’s prayer meeting I was speaking with the pastor and commented that it seemed like I was the least of Christ’s servants. He replied that I was more than a servant and that I … Continued
With all of the uncertainty in life we can sometimes feel overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of variables seemingly beyond our control. At times we might wonder if God is losing control. But the events unfolding in our civilization are … Continued
Each year Easter, comes and goes, and multitudes of people who identify as Christians go to church in remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. However, many of those who profess to believe in Christ, give … Continued
Jesus lived so that we might have life. He died while we were dead in our sins so that we might have life through Him. He resurrected so that we might also be raised. He intercedes for us that we … Continued
What do you want out of life? Happiness? Success? Comfort? Fulfillment? According to Barna, eighty-seven percent of millennials in the U.S. want a life full of meaning. Fulfillment is defined as the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted. The … Continued
Two millennia ago the Almighty Creator of everything chose to enter His creation in a distinctive and mystifying way. Not only did Christ’s birth divide history and the way years are categorized, it signified the intent of God to follow … Continued
Humanity is the pinnacle of God’s creation, and His most valued treasure. Jesus said, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And … Continued
God is not distant and impersonal. He didn’t create the universe, wind it up to get it going and then just walk away. He created mankind in His own image, with body, soul and spirit, in order to have a relationship … Continued
Have you ever pondered how many hurting souls there are in the world? Have you ever thought about the multitudes of people suffering at this very moment? Regardless of geographic location, social status, financial situation or health, a sudden turn … Continued
Merriam-Webster defines wealth as the abundance of material possessions or resources. Society perceives the accumulation of wealth as the means to establishing security and wellbeing. With such a temporal perspective, it is not surprising that so many people pursue material … Continued