The Prince of Peace

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The title Prince of Peace is both comforting and encouraging, implying an intimate and nurturing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It also implies sovereignty and power that transcends the barriers between mankind and God in an authoritative and confident … Continued

No Greater Love

posted in: Inspirational | 0

The highest King loves you so much that He took it upon Himself to pay the penalty you deserve. The Creator of the universe entered into His creation in the form of a man, so that you could percieve His … Continued

Walk in Grace

posted in: Inspirational | 0

Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. That concept seems to escape much of the human race. Today’s culture is quick to pass judgement and mercilessly relegates the outliers of society to the bottom of the pecking order. … Continued

Nobody But Jesus

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

Nobody in the history of the human race has ever made the claims that Jesus made. Nobody in the long history of civilization ever even dared to say the things that Jesus said about Himself. No one has even come … Continued

Easter Every Day

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

Each year Easter, comes and goes, and multitudes of people who identify as Christians go to church in remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. However, many of those who profess to believe in Christ, give … Continued