Untenable Accidentalism

posted in: Christian Awareness | 0

Theistic evolution is the belief that God created the universe but utilized evolutionary processes to refine what was made. This viewpoint suggests that God orchestrated billions of years of accidentalism, where death is part of a natural order that is … Continued

Doctrines of Demons

Paul warns in 1 Timothy 4:1-5, that in the last days false teachers will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits. The incongruity of preaching from many Christian pulpits today creates discord and disunity in the church, spawned by doctrines … Continued

Follow The Light

posted in: Christian Awareness | 2

Secular society exists in spiritual darkness. By elevating human accomplishments, celebrating pride, inclusion and tolerance, and embracing secular humanism, civilization has found itself without solutions and spiraling into delusional mystification. Paul describes this dysfunction in Romans 1:18-25 and in 2 … Continued

Broken People

When we contemplate the perfection of God’s redemptive plan, the imperfections of the Christian church seem baffling on the surface. Yet beneath the layers of theology combined with the brokenness of humanity, we find in the church, the true nature … Continued