God is Trustworthy

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 1

Throughout Israel’s history, the Old Testament records that through periods of faith and obedience the nation was blessed, however when they turned their backs on the Lord and followed pagan customs and idol worship they fell out of favor with … Continued

Proof of Christ’s Resurrection

posted in: Authenticity | 0

The resurrection of Christ is the fulcrum of Christianity. It is the single most important event in our history and demonstrates the power of God in a tangible, meaningful way that has forever changed the world. Without the resurrection, Christianity … Continued

He Is Risen

“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.” John 20:1.  “Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying.  As … Continued

A Good Friday Message

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 0

Don’t let the reality of Jesus Christ escape you this Easter.  The glory of God has been substantiated throughout the earth, from the fine tuning of the universe to the fulfillment of prophecy and the nation of Israel’s existence today.  … Continued

The Science of Creation

posted in: Authenticity | 0

Humans are capable of great things. History provides us with philosophy, inquisition and invention that has propelled us to explain complex interactions between atomic particles, technological breakthroughs that have changed almost everything about the way we live and the identification of … Continued

The Historicity of Jesus

posted in: Authenticity | 0

In order to determine if God exists you must look at history for evidence. Jesus is recognized as a historical figure by most objective scholars. Since Jesus claimed he was God if you prove that Jesus existed then you have … Continued