Errors In Egyptology

posted in: Authenticity | 0

Many scholars have drawn the conclusion that the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt is not a historical event, based upon erroneous information and assert that “the exodus is a history that never happened”. Similarly, much of academia rejects the … Continued

Honor Him

Much has been said over the years regarding the celebration of Christmas on December 25th.  Detractors will assert that Christmas is not a legitimate celebration of Christ’s birth, because Jesus wasn’t actually born on that day and that it is … Continued

Flat Earth Fiasco

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 1

The flat earth movement fallaciously claims the Bible says the earth is flat. Its proponents assert that the majority of the world thought the earth was flat until Christopher Columbus proved otherwise. Even many Christians have fallen for the falsehoods … Continued

Acute Apologetics

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 0

Apologetics is defined as “reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.”  1 Peter 3:15 reminds us, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for … Continued

Breaking the Paradigm

posted in: Authenticity | 0

On the heels of my last article regarding the historicity of the flood of Noah, the logical progression of the discussion surrounding the biblical narrative of creation found in Genesis, is how old is the earth?  The mainstream scientific position … Continued

The Flood That Happened

posted in: Authenticity | 2

Critics of the Bible often point to the flood of Noah (Genesis 6-9) and attempt to discredit the account, claiming it could not have been a global event or that it was folklore that was poached from other civilizations.  They … Continued

Contemplating Creation

posted in: Authenticity | 2

Evolutionary theory has been taught as fact in our schools and universities for so long that several generations of citizens now struggle to believe the biblical narrative and many suggest that Genesis is allegoric in nature.  This fallacious reasoning fails … Continued

Why is the Bible Important?

posted in: Authenticity | 0

The Bible is often criticized and dismissed as nothing more than myths and fables by those who have never read it or investigated its truth claims.  Muslims allege that Christianity has corrupted the texts over time and that the Quran … Continued

The Word of God

posted in: Authenticity | 2

Psalm 119:105 tells us, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”  Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible and it is devoted to professing the greatness of God’s word.  In it, King … Continued