The Resurrection Reality

posted in: Authenticity | 0

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the fulcrum of Christianity. It is the one incontrovertible event that defines the Christian faith and sets it apart from every other religious enterprise. The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:14, “And if … Continued

A Day is a Day

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 0

A lot can happen in six days. And a lot did happen in six days when God created the universe and the earth. Exodus 20:11 states, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, … Continued

The Truth About Jesus

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 0

Jesus warns in Matthew 7:15-16a, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” Christendom is filled with them. They are false teachers who … Continued

God’s Signature

posted in: Authenticity | 1

This morning as I gazed upon the sparkling leaves of the cottonwood trees reflecting the rays of sunshine, as they danced in the gentle breeze, I praised God for such beauty. No human artist can capture such elegance or duplicate … Continued

False Gospels

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 0

In my recently published book The Gospel Truth, I expose the religious inaccuracies of several pseudo Christian organisations and examine their doctrines under the microscope of scripture, concluding they are indeed false gospels. They are false because they contradict the … Continued

Scrolls of Significance

posted in: Authenticity | 0

In 1947 a Bedouin shepherd boy who was searching for a stray goat, discovered a cave in which Hebrew scrolls were preserved in jars. This event in a remote area of the Judean desert, known as the Qumran region, sparked … Continued

Eternal Truth

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 0

Our physical, natural world is simply one dimension of a greater, more diverse reality that secular society is not willing to acknowledge. Naturalistic minds deny the existence of anything outside their immediate, observable sphere of existence and are unwilling to … Continued

Gospel Not Gossip

posted in: Authenticity | 2

There are many, many unsolved murder cases throughout history that did not result in convictions because of the lack of evidence to apprehend or even identify a suspect.  This doesn’t mean these murders never happened, it simply means that no … Continued