Love Kept Him There
The night Jesus was betrayed must have felt like most other nights for His companions. It was the Passover and Jesus knew in advance that there would be a man with a jar of water near the entrance to Jerusalem … Continued
The night Jesus was betrayed must have felt like most other nights for His companions. It was the Passover and Jesus knew in advance that there would be a man with a jar of water near the entrance to Jerusalem … Continued
Our physical, natural world is simply one dimension of a greater, more diverse reality that secular society is not willing to acknowledge. Naturalistic minds deny the existence of anything outside their immediate, observable sphere of existence and are unwilling to … Continued
The fourteenth chapter of Luke tells us that when Jesus was dining at the house of a prominent Pharisee, He told a story. It is a parable that provides great insight into mankind’s relationship with God. This illustration was in … Continued
John 1:1-3 informs us, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that … Continued
One must be on guard against those who claim to represent Jesus but preach a message contradictory to scripture. The Bible warns about this as a sign of the last days and Jesus Himself said, “At that time many will … Continued
We live in an era where many people are easily offended and offer up phrases of “You can’t judge me!” with a sense of entitlement that has reached an embarrassing pitch in our culture. Drag queens are welcomed into kindergarten … Continued
Oh how we get it wrong. How quickly we stray from the path God intends for us. It seems that humanity is predestined for failure. When we are faithful to God, He blesses us and then we somehow take credit … Continued
The Bible says the righteous will live by faith and for those who do, their faith will be credited to them as righteousness. Paul wrote in the fourth chapter of Romans, “What does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and … Continued
When we become Christians we are called to repent of our sins and follow Christ. We are instructed to forsake our former ways and to no longer conform to the ways of the world. In the words of Charles Spurgeon, … Continued
Whether we acknowledge it, deny it, or simply choose to ignore it, civilization is gradually inching towards it’s culmination with the return of Jesus Christ as foretold in Bible prophesy. Many of the signs that Jesus said would precede His … Continued