Christians in Crisis

posted in: Christian Awareness | 0

There are more Christians being persecuted today than at any time in history, including at the hands of the Roman Empire. Many of today’s martyrs fall at the hands of Islamic Jihadists, whose terrorism has become so commonplace that it … Continued

Sanctuary In Christ

posted in: Inspirational | 0

Have you ever pondered how many hurting souls there are in the world? Have you ever thought about the multitudes of people suffering at this very moment? Regardless of geographic location, social status, financial situation or health, a sudden turn … Continued

The Truth About Jesus

posted in: Authenticity, Theology | 0

Jesus warns in Matthew 7:15-16a, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” Christendom is filled with them. They are false teachers who … Continued

Bona Fide Affluence

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

Merriam-Webster defines wealth as the abundance of material possessions or resources. Society perceives the accumulation of wealth as the means to establishing security and wellbeing. With such a temporal perspective, it is not surprising that so many people pursue material … Continued

The Biblical Jesus

posted in: Theology | 0

Who is Jesus? Is He merely some historical persona that is distant and removed from today’s society or is He something more? Is He only a prophet, just a good teacher, or simply a moral role model? He has been … Continued

Who Follows Him?

posted in: Theology | 0

Not all people who identify as Christians truly follow Jesus Christ. If they did, the Christian church would look radically different than the disjointed religious establishment that goes by His name. Jesus is recorded as saying, “Follow Me,” thirteen times … Continued

Uncommon Love

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

God’s love for humanity transcends time, culture, religion and the persistent obstinacy of a fallen mankind. He provides all people with the very air they breathe and He created a planet that is seventy-one percent water which is essential for … Continued

God’s Signature

posted in: Authenticity | 1

This morning as I gazed upon the sparkling leaves of the cottonwood trees reflecting the rays of sunshine, as they danced in the gentle breeze, I praised God for such beauty. No human artist can capture such elegance or duplicate … Continued