The Bible says that in the last days mankind will have lost its sense of direction. Always seeking and never finding.”But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of … Continued
Nobody in the history of the human race has ever made the claims that Jesus made. Nobody in the long history of civilization ever even dared to say the things that Jesus said about Himself. No one has even come … Continued
Consider a crop of grain. It is planted, it grows, it matures, and it yields a harvest. If conditions are not conducive to a healthy crop, the plants will become stressed and wither. The crop will fail to yield the … Continued
People will flock to auditoriums to hear great orators deliver motivational messages or to tap into the insight of acclaimed philosophers such as Jordan Peterson. Humanity longs for leadership. In their pursuit of understanding, many would love to have sat … Continued
It is popular to portray Jesus and by extension God, as loving and forgiving while ignoring the indignation our Creator has for those who rebel against Him. Theologians who preach a message of love and only love have garnered a … Continued
The Bible says that no one can come to God unless He calls them (John 6:44). And if God calls us, and we respond and sincerely surrender ourselves, then we will change from the spiritually dead condition we once lived … Continued
Humility is a virtue that God holds in high esteem and will reward. Jesus taught that “the last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Matthew 20:16). As Christians, we are called to imitate our Lord and Savior. … Continued
When we contemplate whether God created man with free will or whether He predestined all people according to His will, do we discover flawed theology? Or are we only scratching the surface of the Almighty’s complexity and the realization that … Continued
Why do atheists appear to hate God while they deny that He exists? What compels them to openly mock God and proffer elaborate debates designed to intimidate believers and ridicule Christian beliefs? Their boldness, arrogance and audacity is often appalling … Continued