Born Again, Born Free

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 2

I was recently asked what being born again means and which specific values and behaviors are indicative of surrendering to the Holy Spirit.  The inquirer followed up with the statement that it’s an unfalsifiable proposition and nobody has ever proven … Continued

God’s People

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

Who are God’s chosen people?  Who are the children of God?  Social media is full of opinions and assertions regarding who is saved, who isn’t, who will be, or who won’t.  Some say that the geographical area called Israel today … Continued

Freedom in Jesus

posted in: Theology | 0

In many churches today, the message of the gospel has been watered down and distorted through eons of half-truths and platitudes that have disregarded the cutting words of Christ in favor of all grace and no repentance messages of inclusivity, … Continued

2022 – Gateway to the Tribulation?

posted in: Prophecy | 6

As the curtain draws closed on the year 2021 and we step into 2022 there are several noteworthy events occurring on the world stage that indicate civilization is rapidly progressing towards its day of reckoning with our Lord Jesus Christ.  … Continued

The Inconvenient Truth

posted in: Theology | 0

Today, many “Christian” denominations prefer to advocate a message of grace, love, peace and inclusivity, and downplay more difficult theologies such as repentance of sin and eternal punishment.  However, this is not biblical and is contrary to the teachings of … Continued

God is Love

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  When I consider the detestable contemplations of the human heart, its capability … Continued

God Promised

posted in: Prophecy, Theology | 0

There are 4 major promises made by God and recorded in the Bible that have significant impact for believers today.  With amazing precision these promises have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled before our eyes in this generation.  When we … Continued

Be Still, My Soul

posted in: Inspirational, Prophecy | 0

In these uncertain times, our perception can be easily overwhelmed by the negativity that dominates the media, conversations with friends and even family and news that divides and tears down our social safety nets and threatens our inner peace.  We … Continued