The Inconvenient Truth

posted in: Theology | 0

Today, many “Christian” denominations prefer to advocate a message of grace, love, peace and inclusivity, and downplay more difficult theologies such as repentance of sin and eternal punishment.  However, this is not biblical and is contrary to the teachings of … Continued

God is Love

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  When I consider the detestable contemplations of the human heart, its capability … Continued

God Promised

posted in: Prophecy, Theology | 0

There are 4 major promises made by God and recorded in the Bible that have significant impact for believers today.  With amazing precision these promises have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled before our eyes in this generation.  When we … Continued

Be Still, My Soul

posted in: Inspirational, Prophecy | 0

In these uncertain times, our perception can be easily overwhelmed by the negativity that dominates the media, conversations with friends and even family and news that divides and tears down our social safety nets and threatens our inner peace.  We … Continued

Spiritual Truth

posted in: Theology | 2

What is it that causes people to ponder the existence of spiritual realms?  Why do some claim to be spiritual and to believe in a higher power despite a secular and materialistic society’s denial of a God and creation?  Paranormal … Continued

Precise Precursors

posted in: Prophecy | 0

Have you ever questioned God’s plan or wondered why he does the things he does the way he does?  The apostle Paul echoes the sentiments of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 40:14), “ Oh, the depth of the riches of the … Continued

Global Warning

posted in: Prophecy | 0

In the tenth chapter of Luke, Jesus told his disciples, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.  For I tell you, many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to … Continued

Empathetic Evangelization

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

“Be kind; Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”  This contemporary quote, often attributed to Plato, Philo of Alexandria, John Watson, Ian MacLaren, Brad Meltzer and even Robin Williams, has profound implications for Christians who want … Continued

The Spiritual You

posted in: Inspirational, Theology | 0

In order to unlock our spiritual potential, we must give it up.  In order to grasp the intimate spirituality with God Christians desire, we must let it go.  From the core of our very being we must surrender wholly and … Continued