The Prince of Peace

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The title Prince of Peace is both comforting and encouraging, implying an intimate and nurturing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It also implies sovereignty and power that transcends the barriers between mankind and God in an authoritative and confident … Continued

Complete Surrender

posted in: Theology | 0

What does it mean to surrender your life to Christ? The definition of surrender states that the word is a verb which intimates action. It involves the cessation of resistance, giving up, or abandoning oneself to someone or something else. … Continued

Doctrines of Demons

Paul warns in 1 Timothy 4:1-5, that in the last days false teachers will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits. The incongruity of preaching from many Christian pulpits today creates discord and disunity in the church, spawned by doctrines … Continued

Morality Is Vertically Derived

posted in: Theology | 0

For Christians, the sacrifice of self is fundamental to pleasing God and by surrendering to the sovereignty of Christ, we gain unmerited favor. We are to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, pleasing to God (Romans 12:1) as a demonstration … Continued

No Greater Love

posted in: Inspirational | 0

The highest King loves you so much that He took it upon Himself to pay the penalty you deserve. The Creator of the universe entered into His creation in the form of a man, so that you could percieve His … Continued

Follow The Light

posted in: Christian Awareness | 2

Secular society exists in spiritual darkness. By elevating human accomplishments, celebrating pride, inclusion and tolerance, and embracing secular humanism, civilization has found itself without solutions and spiraling into delusional mystification. Paul describes this dysfunction in Romans 1:18-25 and in 2 … Continued