Your Mind is a Battleground
Every human being struggles with opposing ideas, emotions and thoughts. We can entertain concepts that are of noble or benign nature or we can indulge our minds in sensual temptations, nefarious schemes or slanderous thoughts about others. We may feel … Continued
The Resurrection Reality
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the fulcrum of Christianity. It is the one incontrovertible event that defines the Christian faith and sets it apart from every other religious enterprise. The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:14, “And if … Continued
Sanctuary For Souls
The compassion of Christ for humanity is revealed in the peace and rejuvenation He provides when we lay our burdens at His feet. In Jesus we find sanctuary for our souls. When we humble ourselves in a posture of repentance, … Continued
Conviction for Christ
When we become Christians, we are called to action, not complacency and our conviction for Christ becomes evident in our new behavior. To be born again is to be inspired by the Holy Spirit dwelling within us to propagate His … Continued
Untenable Accidentalism
Theistic evolution is the belief that God created the universe but utilized evolutionary processes to refine what was made. This viewpoint suggests that God orchestrated billions of years of accidentalism, where death is part of a natural order that is … Continued
Lean Into God
Christmastime can be a difficult time for many who may have lost a loved one or are separated from family members for one reason or another. As a divorced father, I have experienced the loneliest of times on Christmas, feeling … Continued
The Mind Blowing Complexity of the Nativity
At first glance nativity scenes elicit the perception of peaceful simplicity with shepherds, sheep, Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus in a manger. A bright star shining in the sky on a beautiful silent night. However the profound complexity of … Continued
The Prince of Peace
The title Prince of Peace is both comforting and encouraging, implying an intimate and nurturing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It also implies sovereignty and power that transcends the barriers between mankind and God in an authoritative and confident … Continued
Complete Surrender
What does it mean to surrender your life to Christ? The definition of surrender states that the word is a verb which intimates action. It involves the cessation of resistance, giving up, or abandoning oneself to someone or something else. … Continued